Why is it that when I’m driving to work and see an anti-abortion or prolife sticker on a car, the driver is usually male? WTF? Has he pushed 8lb 7oz out his willy? I look in these male driven cars and I HAVE NEVER ONCE seen a car seat! Again, WTF?
Oh yeah, I just remembered, there’s no car seat, because his loving wife is at home, barefoot and pregnant and brainwashed.
UGH I f*ckin’ hate this B.S.
As a man, I don’t give a shit if you – a woman -- can or can’t have an abortion, furthermore, I don’t have those body parts and those hormones and all the other things that go along with it. So where do I get off on telling you what you can and can’t do with your body???
Religion you say? God doesn’t want abortions.
WARNING: Religion is a personal thing, if you chose to make a PERSONAL BELIEF a driver for PUBLIC POLICY, then your religion will receive the same scrutiny politicians receive. If that bothers you, go back in the church and shut the door!
Finally, if the nominees for the Supreme Court change R vs.W, then my question to every angry, upset women is this, “Who did you vote for in ’04?” If you answer Bush, you’re gonna get smacked in the mouth and told to get back in the kitchen where you belong.