Just after I published my last blog, I noticed an abnormal number of police cars in front of our house. Seven police cars to be exact. And two more in the alleyway behind our house. I immediately when into lockdown mode. I double checked all door locks, turned off all interior lights and turn on all exterior lights. My spouse was on the phone with me as this was all going-down. I could tell he was very upset and feeling very helpless. The police came to the door and asked to search our backyard. I agreed and three officers came through my home, with guns drawn and into the backyard and performed a textbook systematic search of every area. – thank God I cleaned the patio and picked up poop! The police helicopter light overhead turns night into day, if you take the fear out of the equation, it’s a rather beautiful sight. They were searching for a robbery suspect one told me as he made his way back to the front door. Strange as it may sound, this type of thing doesn’t frighten me. Maybe years of Los Angeles have jaded me.
Regardless, I’ll make the best of it. I’m gonna put on my best Angie Dickinson Police Woman outfit and crawl into bed. If they need help, I’ll be ready!
Tomorrow will be a better day... Now where'd I put that damned wig????