About a year ago, the Hottie-Blonde-Blue-Eyed significant-other asked me to take advantage of a discount my company offers with 24 Hour Fitness. I signed up and made the arrangements to have the monthly fee paid off a credit card. After paying the fees for months are not once setting foot in a gym, I decided to cancel. So I call and wait on-hold for 19:29 before Jennifer answers. Now she is very pleasant and professional. She tries her pitch to keep me onboard, but I am persistent. So she explains that I must give them 30 days notice to cancel. I know this because I paid first and last month when I joined and I ACTUALLY READ THE CONTRACT. Now any reasonable person would assume that I give 30 days notice, they prorate the last month and I get a refund or a small bill for the remaining few days. NO NOT HERE! Jennifer tells me that I had to give notice on my billing date – the 21st of the month. Otherwise I have pay another month, then my last month dues will be use for the following month and finally my membership would terminate on December 19th. HUH??? WTF??? I give you 30 days notice and still have to pay for 90 days???
Where the hell is that in the contract?
Let me tell you where… NO WHERE!
So argue my point and Jennifer does not relent. I protest on the grounds of unethical conduct on 24hours’ part; still no remorse from her. Finally, I figure out how to fix this problem:
The credit card they bill to gets no use other than 24 hour fitness. I tell Jennifer if she doesn’t comply with the contract they wrote and I signed, I’ll simply call the credit card company up and cancel the account. I don’t care – I have 6 other cards in a drawer a home that just collect dust.
My threat was met with, “We’ll pursue you.”
My reply, “for $50.00?!?!?... Bring it on sista!”
FYI, my Social is not on the application. Good Luck to them.
I hung up, called Capital One, explained the situation, they cancelled my card and issued another one with a new card number
HA HA They deserve to get screwed for being such assholes!
I am stunned that a corporation would actually use such tactics to take money from people. I’ll be writing a letter to the BBB.