As you many of you know, Friday, March 03, 2006 is my last day of employment at Canon. So with that said, the hour of my departure grows closer with each passing second. I am so stressed-out about leaving I think I made myself sick last night. Now don’t misunderstand me, I know that leaving is the right thing to do and the new job is an excellent opportunity, but in the process of leaving, I am trying to transfer my knowledge to a few other people. Each time we meet, there seem to be hundreds of details that I have forgotten to tell them. I am surrounded by post-it notes with scribbles of my memory lapses.
Regardless, my farewell luncheon is tomorrow (Thursday). Many people who left Canon long ago are returning to assist me in my bidding Canon a happy Goodbye! I can’t tell you how excited I am to see all of them. I feel like a kid on Christmas morning. I even have my clothes picked out.
Anyway – I need to get back to work and remember all those details