It has been rather hush-hush, but I have been looking to see what is out there for me. I was a little skeptical when I first started, but my resume was tight (I learned that word from the 6 year old) and my function within an organization is unique. In other word, I’m very marketable.
So, quietly I began sending out my feelers. It was just a day before I hit something. So I thought – I’m not really interested in the company because of geographic issues – their in Mission Viejo and I’m in Long Beach, but I thought, “I’ll check it out anyway.”
So I had a meeting to determine fit within the organization – This was very promising to me because, in my experience, only good companies have these types of interviews. That went very well. Next was the technical interview. For some silly reason, I always go into these feeling a little inadequate. I met with 6 people, I know I blew each one of them away. At one point I was asked, “Would you do it this way or that way?” I replied, “Neither, Here’s a third way that is much better.” I knew from the look in their eyes that at that moment that I owned the interview.
An offer would follow within days.
This was a great company. I can tell that. The interview was as much them getting to know me as it was me getting to know them. I was VERY interested.
That evening I went home and talked about the possibilities with my better-half. He had some significant concerns:
1. A new job requires more than 8 hour days – at least at first.
2. With the commute factored in, 12-14 hour days would be likely
3. I’m still in school – which takes my time.
4. Sometimes, I put school before him, and with a new job, that’d be something else that would periodically rate higher on the priority list that he does.
That was the death nail for this new possibility.
I already feel guilty about my school commitment – which he supports me on 110%. But to ask him to move further back in line is not fair.
In being dazzled by possibility, opportunity and intrigue, I was neglecting to see the wonderful, amazing and unfailing thing I already had. In effect, I took him for granted.
The next morning, I called my contact with this great corporation and kindly retracted myself as a candidate. I explained my reasons – honestly. It was obvious they were disappointed but understood. The call was ended, by then saying, “If you change your mind at anytime, please let us know.” That felt good.
But I’ll always wonder how much $$$ they were willing to pay. My estimates were 25-40% higher than my current salary. I guess I’ll never know.
Regardless, my other half’s needs and happiness are much more important than 25-40%
And will always be.