
Tooth Fairy

So my son lost his first tooth.
It has been loose for what seems like an eternity. I was as eager with anticipation as he. I tried to get it out one night – I ended up with a 6 year old who was ready to bite if I put my hands in his mouth “one-more-time!” So we waited.
He was at the neighbors and it just magically fell out – unfortunately, it bounced under their dishwasher. He came running home, standing at the front door with tears in his eyes. “There was no tooth for the Tooth Fairy” His devastation was obvious. I had to think quickly; so I told him, “It’s okay, well leave a note for the Tooth Fairy and se can go next door and get the tooth from under the dishwasher herself.” He liked the idea.
So that night, I had him write the note:

Dear tooth fairy
My tooth is under my nebors(sic) dishwasher.

The next morning the note was gone, and in its place was a shiny silver dollar. Indeed she had come, read the note and retrieved the tooth.
Life is good.

Picture day is Friday – with one missing tooth.
Magical, simply purely magical.