

Over the last two years running has become a part of my daily work activity. Rather than heading down to Carls Jr for a Paris-Hilton-washing-the-Bentley super-sized combo, I hit the trails and carve out between 2 to 4 miles at least 4 days a week. Now don’t mistake me for a runner. I am not a runner; rather I am genetically designed to move large, heavy objects. I’d much rather be in a weight-room. I wish I could break the knee caps of those guys on the trail who sprint around like a gazelles with helium heels. That’d level the playing field. Huh?
Anyway, my afternoon run has become therapy. I start to crave it about an hour before starting. It’s a hunger. Then my mood shifts to dread as a lace up the shoes. Finally, I battle for each step past 2 miles. Once I finish, I feel I accomplished something, my head is clear and I know “that high” will be coming in about 10 minutes.
It feels SOOOOO good.
It is SOOOOO difficult, challenging and arduous.
It is SOOOOO worth it!
Recently Professor Snoutch has decided to take-up this sadistic activity in his 90 day health quest. I hope this offers a reinforcement to him and encouragement to those of you with ketchup on your shirt from that lunch I mentioned. Happy trails and happy shins.